Monday, March 19, 2012

Little Princesses and the Woes of Yarn

Yesterday was Dot's birthday and I gave her her princess dress.  Although Zoe's birthday is not until the 29th, she already got her dress early when Cheryl went to Pennsylvania on her winter break to see them.  Now, I can share the pictures of my two little princesses with you.  They are both very adorable, of course.

Princess Dorothy

Princess Zoe
Now, to the woes of yarn.  While I was working on my sweater, I once again experienced the upsetting problem of having yarn that I bought at the same time and from the same bin not match.  This happened once before when I was making socks for Kim.  Luckily, she didn't mind if the socks didn't match perfectly and I didn't have to knit another matching sock for her.  I wasn't so lucky this time.  I had finished the back of the sweater in the first ball of yarn.  I had enough from that ball to start the front.  Since it is a cardigan, I luckily was only knitting half of the front when I needed to switch to a new ball of yarn.  I never even thought about it not being the same color.  I finished the first half of the front and started the second half.  After I had completed about a third of the second half, I decided to compare the sides to see how they were matching up.  It is then that I discovered that the yarn was not quite the same color as the first.  I looked closer at the first half I had done to see how it looked when I joined in the two balls of yarn.  I was horrified.  It looked awful and was very noticeable.  I couldn't leave it like that.  I decided to finish the second half and redo the whole first half with the same ball of yarn.  What a lot of work!  If only I had checked when I first joined in the yarn.  I never expected this to happen again.  I guess I will never again join in a new ball of yarn without looking more closely.  Anyway, I now will still have a two-toned sweater, but it will be just the back that is different from the rest of the sweater.  I do not think that it will be that big of a deal since the two pieces are joined at the side seams.

It is quite obvious where the two balls were united.  So frustrating.

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