Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Final Four

The diaper covers are officially complete.  Ezra will now have a dozen plus two to cover his little bottom.  I wish it could be more, but I am all out of supplies for this kind of a project, so I am calling it quits.

 I wasn't planning on showing these, but I really like the trains, so I decided to give you a peek.

Next project: a knitted toy for a young couple from my church that just had a baby girl.  I plan to go visit them on Thursday, and I want to take something for the baby.  I need to get hopping...I only have two days to get it done.

1 comment:

  1. We LOVE these diapers! Thank you again! Ezra's sweet little bum looks so cute in them and not nearly as HUGE as when he wears mine:)
