Saturday, March 21, 2015

Ryder's baby things are done

Before I could finish the things I wanted to make for baby Ryder, I had to make another hat just like the last one that I made for Rhonda.  Another lady saw it when I was giving it to Rhonda and wanted one, too.  She said she really liked the gray, so I had to go buy more of that yarn.  I was able to finish all of the other projects with the yarn that I had bought to do Donn's sweater.  I over estimated how much yarn I would need, so I was at least able to make good use of it. I will not blog a picture of that hat since it looks exactly like Rhonda's.

I just finished the things I wanted to make for Ryder.  I was even able to make use of a mistake that I had made by turning it into something else.  I hope they like farm animals because almost everything I have made is of a farm theme.

This patchwork blanket is actually a doggie theme.  All the prints have either dogs, doggie words, or doggie collars. I made it before I started doing all the farm stuff, but farms often have dogs, so it still can fit the farm theme, too.

This hat is actually one that I had made for sending to the hospital for the newborns, but I decided to give one to Ryder.  This is the lightest weight one, so I chose it since he will not be a cold weather baby.

This cuddle pal donkey toy fits in nicely.

If you use your imagination, I think you can see a cow and a horse in these novelty bibs.
This diaper changing pad can fold up and hold everything needed for changing in the two pouches on the sides.  The outer cover is the only farm print material I could find.  I ended up using it for a lot of the things.

This is the changing pad opened up to the changing side.

This is the mistake.  It was going to be the pouches on the outside of the changing pad, but I didn't do it right, so I turned it into a bottle pouch.
This is the bottle pouch without the bottles.      

My camera really doesn't do well with certain colors.  This is supposed to be a dark red pig, not pink. He is one of the animals that can hang on the play mat.
What's a farm without a chicken or two?

Wooly lambs make nice farm animals.

Cats keep the mice out of the barns.

As I said before, dogs are often found on farms.
All the animals hanging out together above the farm. This shows the arches which can be placed over the mat, or can be attached to a crib to be used as a mobile.
Close up of the play mat

This cow is supposed to be a pillow, but I made her into a carrying pouch for the animals that go with the play mat. I put a zipper across her belly so that she can be opened up to put the animals in and out.

A little bulgy, but everyone fits in rather nicely.
I bought a laundry basket to put all the stuff in and I made a liner for the basket which I am using to cover over all the things in the basket. After everything is taken out, the liner can just fold down into the basket. Now I won't have to try to figure out how to wrap the whole thing.
Now I guess I will get back to making baby hats.  I need to make one to replace the hat I used for Ryder and still maybe make a few more for girls and boys.

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