Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Hockey Pucks With a Twist

I never know what might be asked of me, but I am always willing to give things a try.  The gym teacher at the school where Joey and Lexi go asked me yesterday for some ideas about how to make hockey pucks.  He was looking in a catalog for equipment and said that they were so expensive for such a little item.  Since he wanted twenty of them, he felt it was way too much.  He said he had made some in the past with cardboard and duct tape.  He asked if I had any felt that could be used for the bottom of the puck.  I came home and started in.  It took eight cardboard circles stacked on top of each other to get the thickness of a puck.  I cut out 160 of those babies, and ended up with a big blister on the knuckle of my little finger and some very sore fingers. The rest was easy.  I made another circle out of felt that was slightly larger than the cardboard circles.  I scored the edge of the felt so that it would wrap down around the stack of cardboard circles. I hot glue gunned the circles all together and to the felt and around the turned down edges of the felt.  I used masking tape to tape the edges of the felt in place around the circles and then used duct tape to cover over the top of the puck.  Last, I took a strip of duct tape and went around the edge of the puck again.  The felt made a nice edge for sliding across the floor and the duct tape held everything in place.  Here is the final outcome.  I don't think I will ever be asked to make a living by making these things, but for the preschool and kindergarten kids, they will do.

They sort of look like muffins, but I wouldn't want to try eating them.  They will be much better used by batting them around with a hockey stick.

What will be asked of me next?  I never know, but I love having challenges given to me.  Hope I get some more.

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