Sunday, January 22, 2017

Hats for the Missionaries

I often have the sister missionaries from my church over for dinner.  When I was making my things for the holiday festival and for Christmas presents, they seemed particularly interested in some hats I was making.  I decided that since I am almost finished with most of my projects that need to be done immediately that I would take the time to make some hats for these young ladies.  I have a pattern that has been most popular and of which I have sold at least three.  I decided to use this same pattern for both of them and just used a different colored yarn.  They can choose who gets which color.

The hats are made from left over yarn that I used to make sweaters out of.  It is 20% wool/80% acrylic.  They do look nice and will be plenty warm for them to wear while serving this winter in New England.  One of them is from Idaho and is used to the cold weather. The other one is from the warmer part of Brazil.  She was most excited about the hats I was making and was anxiously waiting to experience her first snow. I will give them the hats the next time they come to eat which is in a couple of weeks.  It hasn't been that cold to need them for now, anyway.
Now that I have finished the hats and the third play mat set, you would think I would have a break. Not so, I have at least one more play set to make and possible two more.  The next one is also going to be a forest set.  It is for my son's girlfriend's sister.  They saw the mat that I just made and fell in love with it.  They want one, but not with all the same animals.  That means that I will need to do more downsizing for possibly three more animals.  I will need to check their size first to be sure I do need to make them smaller.  I will be doing the raccoon and skunk again.  I think I may try doing the skunk its original size. I will also have to do a hedgehog, a deer, and an owl. I'm sure the deer will need to be made smaller, but the hedgehog and owl may not need downsizing.  The mat is for a girl, but they do not want any pink.  I am going to use the same owl fleece for the back of the mat as I used on my last one, but the front will be different.  Kay says her sister loves owls, so I am going to put a baby owl sitting on a branch of a tree on a light blue background material to look like a daytime sky.  I may add a sun for extra detail.  I will use the same material from the back for the edging unless I find something better in the store.  I know owls are quite popular right now, so it is a good chance that I will find some cute owl print material like I did for the fox mat.

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