Saturday, October 10, 2015

Costume Time Again

I totally forgot that I would need to be making Halloween costumes before I finish Christmas projects.  The orders are flowing in.  Joey wants to be the Return of the Jedi Luke Skywalker and Lexi wants to be Princess Leah again.  They both were Luke and Leah when they were three and two, but that is what they want to be again.  Joey is a different Luke. The last costume was white, but this one is going to be black.  Lexi's will be pretty much the same, just bigger.  I will wait to work on theirs because I have some that need to be done by next weekend.  I finished two of those, Zoe's witch costume and Jackson's Batman costume.  I am waiting on what the two from Maine want to be.  I need to finish them by Thursday, because we are going up on Thursday night.  I hope they call soon to let me know what to make.  I always get things done, but I don't like needing to do them in such a short time, just in case I run into problems. Here are the two finished costumes.

Jackson's Batman is made of gray sweatshirt material.  I had a bunch of it and no other gray.  I couldn't see buying more when I could use this.  The hood, shorts, and leggings are made of black vinyl material. The cape is made of a light weight cotton material.  The mask is just one of those little black masks that go around the eyes.  I hot glued it to the hood.  The hood and cape are sewn together as one piece.  The belt and logo are made from felt and fused into place.  I bought the gloves.

Zoe's witch costume is a story in itself.  I thought I was making a child's size 7 pattern, but after I started sewing it, I realized that it was much too big.  I looked more closely at the picture and realized it was an adult 7.  I have done quite a bit of tucking to get it smaller and cutting to get things shorter.  I may still need to cut some more, but if she wears a belt, I think it will fit okay around the waist and I think I got the top short enough.  The skirt and cape still seem long.  Zoe is taller and bigger than most 7 year olds, so it may not be too big.  I sure hope not. It is really cute. It will be easy enough to just cut the bottom because neither of the materials that was used for the dress or the cape need to be hemmed.

This is just a view of the dress without the cape.

The hat is made of felt. It may also be a little big, but she can stuff it and it will fit okay.  She has a ton of hair so that should help to fill it out.

This just shows the hat sitting on top of the cape so I could get the whole costume in view.

I wonder what my next blog will be. Last year the two were Batman and a jack-o-latern.

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