Friday, June 30, 2017

Russian dress and baby quilt

I never know what I will be asked to do, but just last Sat. at a birthday party for my grandkids, someone asked me to make a Russian dress for his daughter.  He is going to Russia and that is what his daughter is asking him to bring back.  He didn't think he would do well at buying a dress for her, so he asked me if I could make one.  He showed me a picture of one he had Googled.  I told him I would try.  I looked for a pattern, but the only one I could find was not available in the store and it would take two weeks to get if I ordered it.  I decided to try to do it on my own.  I used three different patterns to get the look I wanted.  One for the skirt, one for the shirt, and one for the top.  Here is what I came up with.

This is my granddaughter, Lexi, wearing the dress I made for her cousin.

This is the picture he showed me that he wanted.  The skirt looks fuller, but I think she is holding it out and Lexi is not in the one above.  They look pretty similar to me.  I had a difficult time finding a trim that I thought matched, but I finally settled on the one I used.  It is not as colorful or as wide, but it does look a little bit Russian I hope.

I also have a new little baby about to arrive anytime.  Mom is in labor as I type this.  I made her a quilt so I am showing it here.  It wasn't much and was just made from a kit I bought at the store, but it is cute and simple.

Sunday, June 11, 2017

Finished the other doll and another

I finished making the other doll for my ex-coworker.  I used a lighter weight yarn and smaller needles and I couldn't believe how much smaller the doll was.  I used a slightly different pattern for the dolls, but the size should have been the same.  I decided that since the first doll I made did not fit the cow pouch that I would make another one for the farm set.  This time, I used the same weight yarn and needles as I had used for the second doll.  Yup, they are the same size.

This shows the three dolls altogether.  The one on the left is the second doll I made.  The middle is the first doll, and the one on the right is the third one.  I did not have two different shades of purple for the new doll, so I used white instead.  I am a little disappointed in the white shorts because they don't really look that much like shorts.  I also changed how I did the shirt so it would have more color. 

I wanted to show the backs because of the hair.  I had a really difficult time getting the third doll's hair to look right in two pony tails, so I had to just give her one.    The hair is usually the hardest thing I have to do on these dolls.  I can never seem to get the head covered evenly.  I think they finally look okay.  Also, the new one can now fit into the cow pouch so I am happy about that.

Thursday, June 8, 2017

Shoulder bag and another play set

I just finished a quick project to donate for a silent auction that is being held tomorrow night.  I decided to make something on Sunday, so I didn't have much time to get it made.  It is a very simple shoulder bag made from cotton yarn in colors close to what the pattern called for.  It isn't much, but at least I was able to get something made.

I also finished another farm play set.  I have an ex-coworker from when I was working at Atlantis Charter School that has recently had a baby girl.  I made one of my Noah's Ark play sets for her when she had her son when I was still working with her, so I wanted to make another play set for her little girl.  I decided that the farm set with the big cow pouch would be cute for a little girl.

Lexi wearing shoulder bag from front view.
Shoulder bag from back view.

This cow is a little different than the one I usually make.  This one has brown spots instead of black.  Like some cows with brown spots, I put a little tuft of hair on the forehead.  The doll is wearing shorts, so I made knee dimples.  I also made elbow dimples and shaped the nose on this doll which I usually do not do.  The baby's hair is black, so I gave the doll black hair, too. The animals are pretty much the same as my others.  The pig is in different material and the cow has the dark brown spots like the cow pouch.