Tuesday, November 29, 2016

Second Sweater Completed

I finished the second sweater today.  I actually finished the knitting several days ago, but I had to special order the zipper online, so I was waiting for it to come in to finish completely.  It came today and I immediately got it sewed into the sweater and so now it is finished and I can breathe a sigh of relief.  Another Christmas project completed.  I want to show the two sweaters at the Holiday Festival this week end.  I will put a sold sign on them, but I want to have them there just in case someone wants to give me an order for one of their own.
The color is so wrong in this photo.  The sweater is actually a very pretty blue, more like Royal, and this looks really gray. It is much prettier than the photo shows.  From the front you can see the zipper and pockets.  This sweater is from a pattern that has the pockets, but with buttons instead of zipper and collar instead of hood.  I have made this sweater three times, each time with the hood and zipper.  It is easy to do and takes me about a week to make.

Just showing it from the back so that the hood can be seen.

Here it is.  I had a really hard time getting a place to take the photo to get the true color.  It would show the blue and then turn immediately to gray.  I finally found that my best place was on my couch.

I also started making the gloves for my grandkids for Christmas.  I am trying to alter the pattern from lady's gloves, but it is tricky to get the fingers wide enough and the right length.  It is a work in progress, but I have finished two pairs.  I do not intend to give either of these pairs as gifts because I have a plan to make them with lots of colors; fingers different colors, for example.  It is going to be fun making them and I am anxious to get them started. Here are the two that I will use at the festival.

I made the dark pink ones first, but they were too small for most of my girls, except for Annie and I think I will make her mittens instead of gloves.  The brighter pink pair fit much better, but the little finger is too long.  I will have to use the smaller version with larger needles for the littler kids and the larger version for the others, trying to get all the fingers the right length for which ever child they will be for.  I may also need to use smaller needles for a couple of them, but that should work.   My oldest grandson will need a bit longer fingers, but the glove itself should fit.  It is always trial and error with me, but in the end, it usually works out.  Gloves are so easy to do and takes only a day to make, so it doesn't really matter much if they don't turn out right the first time.
Another successful day.  I am currently working on a gift for a friend who shall remain nameless, as well as the gift, because I know she reads my blog.  This will keep you guessing Nancy.

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