Tuesday, February 28, 2012

So Much For Taking My Time

I really have a problem.  When I am worried about the outcome of something, or whether or not I will have enough material to complete a project, I can't stop until I know the results.  It was this way with the other two hats that I had to knit for Lois.  She wanted me to use all four colors in each of the hats and to stripe them randomly.  Well, I can't do anything entirely randomly.  I have to put a pattern into my stripes, so each of the hats has a major color with smaller amounts of each of the other colors.  Stripe patterns do vary from hat to hat, but I tried to keep the same patterning within each hat, itself.  I barely had enough yarn, and did run out of the peach colored yarn for the main color in the last hat.  That meant that I had to finish the top of the hat with slightly different patterning than within the rest of the hat.  I think it still came out okay, and I hope Lois will be happy with the outcome.  Anyway, in just two days, I finished all three hats.  I already sent the other hat off this morning, and I will send these two tomorrow.  So, another project completed.

I used a little too much peach in this one and that made it so that I didn't have enough of it to finish the other hat.

I like the pattern in this one, but I wish that I had enough of the peach to finish it the same.

These hats are supposed to be for twins, but she wanted them not to look the same.  I think I did okay for that request.  The only thing that was to be the same were the four colors.

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