Sunday, December 1, 2013

Treasure Boxes

When I asked my son and daughter-in-law what I could get the kids for Christmas, they said that treasure boxes would be nice for their girls because they love to collect treasures.  I decided that would be a good idea for all of them, so I got right on it.  I went to the store, planning on just getting boxes for the girls.  I got plain wooden boxes, painted them, and decorated them with press on decals.  I made them look all alike and used wooden block letters that already came painted white to put their names on the top of the boxes to identify which box went to which girl. I will stuff the boxes with girly dress up items, like hair stuff and bead necklaces, etc.  Later, I decided that maybe the boys would like boxes, too.  I went back to the store to get three more boxes of a different style for the boys.  I wasn't able to get the ones I liked, but I settled on one that I thought looked appropriate for boys.  I had to buy latches and something to carry them with.  The store did not have handles and I didn't want to go to another store to get some (it was Black Friday and I didn't want to chance too many stores that day), so I decided on nobs, instead. I took the boxes home and painted them.  I forgot to get the decals, so I could not decorate them.  I had not bought a box for my youngest grandson, Ezra, because I had already bought Lincoln Logs for him, which was what his mom thought he might like for Christmas.  I felt so guilty not making a box for him.  Everyone else was getting a box from Grandma.  I went back to the store, but I had to get a bigger box, so it will fit all of his Lincoln Logs.  Oh, well, let's just say that I saved the best for last.  Not really, I love all these little ones just the same.  I want them all to be happy with what they get from Grandma.  I don't really know what I will stuff in the boys' boxes, except for Ezra's, but I will come up with something they like.

All the girls' boxes from the top.

The girls' boxes again from the front.

The boys' boxes from the front.
The boys' boxes from the top.

The boys' boxes from the side.

The boys boxes from the back.

Ezra's box from the front.

Ezra's box from the top.  The sides and back just have other animals.

Now that I have all the boxes done.  I will get back to knitting.  I just have one more hat to make and finish the sweater that may or may not be for Cheryl.  I am making good progress on that, but it takes a long time to do.  The needles are so small and there are so many stitches per row, that it takes a very long time to just get one row finished.  The good thing is that I am in the part of the sweater where every other row decreases, either by ten or by eight.  The number of stitches drops quite rapidly when that many stitches are decreased in a row.  I sure hope she will like the sweater and then my Christmas gifts will be completed.

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